Maternity Leave May to August 2019

I have not posted in very long time, and this is due to being pregnant. This change in my life has been very welcome, but has also meant making significant changes in my career and personal life. It has been particularly bittersweet, as I have had to close my office in Brooklyn, NY and say goodbye to many clients. I have been touched by the generosity and kindness from these clients, and I appreciate each and every session we have had together. Besides goodbye and good luck, the only other words I have are THANK YOU: Thank you for showing up, being who you are, doing difficult work, and making courageous changes.

To a very kind client, thank you for your permission to use this beautiful note.

To a very kind client, thank you for your permission to use this beautiful note.

Now that I am exclusively working in Stroudsburg PA, I would like to make note that I will be out of the office from May 8, 2019 until August 6, 2019. I will be responding to emails and phone calls during this time, but please allow a few days response time. Thank you in advance for your patience and consideration.