Relational Psychotherapy & Learning from one another

Relational Psychotherapy is based in the belief that satisfying relationships with others positively effects our emotional and psychological well-being.  Relational Psychotherapy is probably my most utilized practice with clients, as the therapeutic relationship as the primary mechanism for change.  Interaction between therapist and a client, in addition to discussion of the each participant's experience of that relationship, deepens the understanding of the self and others.  The link below will direct you to the Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy website, which gives a great explanation of this work.

Before I go, I wanted to stress the dynamic nature of psychotherapy.  As a client, you should and will be the primary focus of treatment with the aim to heal and grow.  Yet, therapists also will learn and grow as practitioners (and as humans in general) due to their interactions with clients.  For me, learning about each client I have been able to work with is fascinating in its own right.  Yet, more importantly, being with clients during grave situations, witnessing their ability to be honest about their own lives, and communicating about their experience in therapy, have all taught me how to be in the present moment and improve the services I provide.

I feel very privileged to continue to get to know each of my clients, and feel grateful to have been given the opportunity to learn from each of them.  I guess, all I really want to say is a heartfelt thank you to all of my existing clients!