Education and Background

My past employment and education has given me invaluable experiences that have greatly informed my current practice.  Prior to my work as a psychotherapist, I was employed in the human services field for over 10 years.  While in school for my Bachelors of Psychology at the University of Colorado, I provided at home care to the elderly which helped me learn and accept different facets of the aging and end of life processes.  This is inclusive of managing chronic illness, negotiating changing family dynamics, the "u-bend of happiness", as well as grief and loss.   

I later worked many years as a residential counselor to both emotionally disturbed youth and adults with developmental disabilities. This work was the greatest educator in the importance of hope, group dynamics, conflict resolution, as well as the early impact of trauma and its later consequences.  I also have experience as group facilitator for adults with mental illness and children in the foster care system.  

I received my Masters in Social Work at Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College where I focused in individual work with children and families. Hunter's focus on social justice, empowering each client, and working from a holistic, strengths based perspective is a cornerstone of my current practice.

Three years of clinical supervision at psychoanalytically based Washington Square Institute, deeply influenced my practice to contain elements of psycho-dynamic psychotherapy and the importance of exploring early life attachments.  I also have been influenced by Buddhist Psychology and implement mindfulness techniques in my own life as well as in my practice. Lastly, EMDR has transformed the way I focus on trauma treatment, and is the most helpful tool I have learned in processing past traumas.

The most essential tool I have cultivated from all of my experiences, past and present, came from witnessing the amazing capacity for love, resiliency, and healing in spite of a multitude of personal, cultural, and economic struggles.  I have learned that mutual support, care, cultural humility, authentic non-violent communication, and deep understanding are essential in times of great stress.  I strive to provide the best services I can to you during your healing process, and I look forward to learning from one another.